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Saturday, 1 November 2014

Jewellery is Self Expression!

Women love receiving gifts, especially jewellery. However, with the vast array of jewellery on offer, figuring out what to buy can seem a little daunting.
The first thing to consider is how much you want to spend. This will determine where you shop and what kind of jewellery you are looking for - budget, mid range or high end jewellery. Once you've set your budget, here are a few things to consider when buying jewellery as gifts for friends or loved ones.
A woman's jewellery box will often reflect her personality. If she's conservative, then consider some classic, fine jewellery pieces in pearls, silver or gold. If she's naturally extroverted and has a big personality, a bolder piece of contemporary statement jewellery may be more suitable.
Think about the style of jewellery that she wears. This will give you an idea of what type of jewellery you should be looking for. If she loves things that are unique and different, then she'll love jewellery that's got individuality. You can be more daring and go for pieces that are different and unusual. But if she likes to follow trends, then think about the latest colours to be seen in or the latest must-have charms or styles. Look out for retailers 'Best' or 'Hot Sellers' and this will give you an idea of what are the most popular pieces.
Delicate jewellery is suitable for everyday wear. Chunky, contemporary jewellery looks great for a statement piece and is fabulous for casual day wear. Sparkly gem and costume jewellery is great for special occasions such as weddings, balls, cocktail parties and generally for anyone who loves to dress up. If you know the colour of her outfit, choose something to complement it or go for something simple and neutral.
Know more about women Statement Jewellery

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