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Tuesday, 2 September 2014

How To Get Your Guest Post Approved In 5 Steps

Introduction to guest blogging

In literal terms, guest blogging means creating a blog and publishing it on someone elses website. More to that, it means creating a strong network, growing influence with fellow bloggers and thereby accomplish one of the critical aspects, i.e leveraging the traffic for your own blogs and build a reputation. To be true, guest posting has numerous purposes to serve, and all in the direction of benefiting both the writers involved in the process of guest posting.

So, what are those factors that have greatly influenced the writers and compelled them to interact with other bloggers? Let us first go through some of the benefits of guest blogging before we jump on to how to guest post your blog in 5 simple steps.

Guest blogging is the key to interact and build relation with influential bloggers by adding value to their blog.

It opens doors of opportunities for the bloggers in established communities.

It is a great way to increase the value of the blog in the search engines in the longer run.

5 simple Steps for guest posting:

Step 1: Make a compilation of quality blogs with good Page Rank and Domain Authority

The process of guest posting starts with the very first task of conducting a quality search to pick established blogs who would be accepting guest posts. Here, your aim should be to search for niche sites where you can genuinely provide value to the visitors of those sites with your published content. The idea is to target websites that have better page ranks and domain authority, in order to strengthen your trust on it being authenticated.

Also, rather then searching for websites on Google with extensively used keywords that would give you results displaying websites accepting low quality guest posts, you can always consider other methods as well. Networking is another way of interacting with these bloggers and other people who are closely associated with a particular website that you wish to target for guest posting. You can consider using social media sites for the same. Or,socialcommunity; peculiarly a twitter search tool that lets you reveal twitter users that are in some or the other way associated with the established websites of your choice. You can even conduct precise searches to further reveal closer results of your choice.

Step 2: Follow these stacked up blogs on constant basis and keep tracking their recent posts

Once you have accomplished the task of piling up your targeted websites, keep a close eye on each of them, atleast for a month. You need to do so in order to understand each and every aspect of those blogs that are being featured. It is utmost crucial to speculate the level of quality. This will help you in determining the quality of your own post in order to match the standards of the website. Along with that, you will also get a clear view of what kind of posts are more popular amongst the readers and what kind of pitch drives more engagement. Gathering all these information will prove critical when you are about to publish your own post.

Step 3: Increase your interaction by leaving thoughtful comments on blogs from your preferred category

Leaving valuable comments on niche blogs is one of the best ways to make your presence felt and also an effective way to start interacting with the writers. It is an opportunity to introduce yourself in the blogosphere with your thoughtful comments, and then it would be easy to maintain relations with these writers once you have been noticed. You can undertake this process just while you are discovering quality blogs. You can always consider commenting on blogs of your preferred categories.

Step 4: Now, the blog owner will notice your valuable presence and approach you for guest posting

No, this isn’t the final accomplishment, but you're almost there. Having completed the above tasks, you can expect expert bloggers, editors and writers to approach you for writing quality content for their website. Make your best efforts to maintain a good rapport and give them an assurance that it is no less than an opportunity for you to write for their website.

Bare in mind that, reaching here requires patience. Be ready to spend enough time and energy along with making thorough efforts to attain quality results. Gaining reputation in the blogosphere takes time, constant diligence and most importantly patience to earn your place amidst the blogging community.

Step 5: Its time to make efforts to come up with a quality blog and get it published

Till now, you know that your goal is not just to meet the standards of your competitors, but your efforts should be to deliver more than what is expected. Incorporating some more detailed information and presenting it in an extremely well written form can surely help you reach there. To write an exceptional piece you will require to follow these steps.

Choose a topic from your preferred category that has not been discussed yet on the blog, and then conduct a thorough research to write on the chosen topic.

For instance, you are contemplating to publish an article about internet marketing on linkedin, and there isn’t any topic discussed on the same. Then, you can consider it as an ideal topic to work upon and get it published.
Pick a topic that is novel and one that is sure to evoke interest in readers’ mind.

Make sure it is not just a piece of writing but provides content that gives vital information with critical compilations of aspects that covers the wider area of the topic.

Now, you can ask the blog owner to publish the post, or you can approach a writer for the same.

Make sure your focus in on delivering quality content and nothing else.

What is your take on guest blogging? Is guest blogging a part of your online marketing strategy? Share your views and suggestions on guest blogging below.

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