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Monday, 20 April 2015

Exterior Doors, Front Entry and Entrance Doors Replacement Toronto

Exterior Front Entrace Door
I went over to visit my parents the other day and noticed that their Front Doors was in bad shape. I visit there every couple days and was shocked that I had not noticed how bad it was getting. There were gaps on the top of the door and the bottom of the door. I could see the dry rot on the door. I hit on the door in a few spots and could see it was ready to fall off the hinges. I knew that I needed to look at Replacement Doors and install a new door for them.
I was not sure what kind of door that I should look at, but I knew that I wanted something strong that I could feel like my parents were protected with. The door that they had now could easily be kicked in by someone with one kick. I called up my brother and he told me about a place online that did customized Replacement Doors. I went to my computer and searched until I found what he was talking about.
The first thing that I saw was pictures of front doors. They were absolutely beautiful, but although I wanted the door to look nice I was more concerned about sturdiness. I read on and knew that my brother had steered me in the right direction. These were wood grain finished on the outside but were aluminum metal alloy in the interior. It said that wood effect oak doors are made by electro statically applied polyester powder base coat supplemented by vacuum-wrapped wood grain foil. This is a wood finish that is stronger than any other paint that you will find anywhere. This finishing will give you a hard Wooden Front Doors appearance while protecting the door from the weather and other elements.
Okay, so I was about sold already. I read on to see that these doors came in Cherry, Teak, Antique Oak and Golden Oak Doors. I asked my parents which they liked and they said the cherry. They also chose the pattern that they liked. It was a vertical pattern. We decided that we did not want a window but did want them to add a mailbox and a peephole. These would be in brass. They also came in satin and chrome but they liked the brass.
I had to measure the space where these Replacement Doors would go and give shipment directions. And that was it! A front door would be built and sent out. I was amazed! I was even more amazed when it came and we installed it. Not only was the door very strong but it was beautiful and it was so nice that I ordered one for my house the next day.

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